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Ohio to Legalize Pot, Stephen Colbert

Ohio to Legalize Pot, Stephen ColbertIt’s 52% to 44% in the first normal regular boring state to put legalizing pot on the ballot come this November.

As to the scare your pants off Buddy the marijuana mascot shown in this piece it may confuse people to the actual effects of smoking weed. Though I personally would not know – but have been told by people who do know such things – that we must keep in mind that marijuana only makes reality more interesting while LSD makes reality go hither and yon. Completely different things.

Propositions or initiatives in Ohio are called ISSUES once they get on the ballot. Issue #3 proposed by Buddy and the marijuana lobby makes “growing, selling and using marijuana in Ohio legal.” But the Ohio state legislature got their own proposition on the ballot, Issue #2 which makes marijuana illegal or specifically worded “make the marijuana cartel illegal immediately.”  What if they both win? OMG? Now add to that confusion how many will show up to vote in this off-off year election.