Sixty three year old Kailash Singh, disappointed father of seven girls, either has tenacity or such good marijuana that he doesn’t realize or care that this method of inducing a son and heir is taking rather a long time, thirty five years to be exact. Along with the other daily rituals he follows each day, as explained in the video, smelling like a long dead yak probably isn’t drawing any potential mothers. It appears that Shiva has even left the building. After all, there are smoke offerings to the goddess, and there is Mr. Singh standing on one foot, making his in a special way.
Don’t bet yer boots that the city or county does a psychological check on their employees. Case in point is William J Reese, a civilian employee, illegally driving a marked sheriffs’ cruiser.That was not enough of a thrill for him, see the video for his unbelievable “catch and chase.”
Oh the humanity! See how one liquor store shoplifter was foiled by a raffle.