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Olbermann: Michelle Bachmann and The Voice, Tom Delay Dancing with the Stars?

Oh Michelle, this is possibly the least loony thing you’ve said this year! Quoted in World Net Daily, Bachmann was asked if she wished to run for president. Great news everyone, she is but one voice in her head away from leading our country! Personally, I hope she does receive a cerebral call, but that it relays a directive or two which are a bit more safe, and perhaps entertaining than telling her it’s time to step up to the political plate! Yes, sirs and madams, please watch Worst to see the special communication she’s awaiting, and where she obviously gets her more whimsical notions, though I’d have bet on the voice of the neighbor’s dog. Paul F. Tompkins explains why Bachmann isn’t in the loony bin for expecting voices from on high, where if you were to hear Alexander Graham Bell, for instance, you’d be in a butterfly net. Apparently God didn’t tell her that her son had joined Americorps, after he’d clued her in that it was a socialist, government brainwashing camp.

Tom Delay is apparently impossible to shame. pushed out of the House and disgraced, Tompkins and Keith ponder how Delay might win this round. Will it be a passionate, slinky, mayhaps sleazy Tango, or will he let his freak flag fly with a Hip Hop routine, reminiscent of Tom Cruise, as his character Les Grossman’s brother More, in the movie Tropic Thunder? I know where my money is!