Rid of Bush who allowed Bin Ladin to escape, and made a truce with those harboring Al Qaida, now – Pakistan with pressure from the US, has declared their intention to get the Taliban! Call me crazy, but the deck seems to stack up with Bush and Cheney as the wild cards who deserve imprisonment for treason for stopping this from happening eight years ago!
The President is cutting some programs and saving money. Senator Tom Coburn of OK feels 121 programs are a serious step in changing the culture in Washington DC. Never fear, your personal massages, cushy hours and outrageous pay are still intact Senator.
False Idols Gate: Blowing the whistle on the exploitation of the Christian right. National Prayer Day proved to be an opportunity for FOX to rant and weep as if President Obama had broken a tradition going back 300 years, and denounced God and Country! In truth,his acknowledgement of the day was 100% more sincere than the phony baloney performance started by the Bush administration in 2006, which was nothing more than a show for the religious right he courted, then beyond any
question snickered about behind their backs.