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Olbermann: Tom Wild Thing DeLay and his Feminine side on Dancing With the Stars! Penn Jillette comments

I cannot determine whether the practice session or the performance is more agonizing. It matters little as we are much safer with DeLay on the dance floor than on The House floor. He is more carefully examined and scored on the latter
however. Late breaking news, my spouse has just viewed DeLay’s dance and wishes to sue for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. You will see, “Wild Thing” the song, Cha Cha (Cha) allegedly the dance, and DeLay wowing us in fake leopard fur! This is not enough distraction. Even gorgeous and proficient professional dancer Cheryl Burk couldn’t dazzle and dance enough literal rings around him to distract for his inability to do more than a very few of the most rudimentary of steps.

This is when you go with your strengths, DeLay perfected pointing. He pointed in every position and direction on the compass. He stood with a wide stance and pointed at Cheryl, was swooped to another location on the floor by Cheryl with a
few cha cha steps, pointing with great conviction, if not the carefree sexy feeling generally associated with the Cha Cha. Showing great versatility, he even posed and pointed on his knees! I know there is a metaphor waiting to happen, but I leave it to you and the courts gentle reader.

Penn Jillette had unexpectedly enjoyed his stint on Dancing With the Stars, and joins Countdown to comment on DeLay..In my dim dark past as a professional Latin dancer and teacher to the rhythmically challenged, I echo Penn’s astonishment upon hearing DeLay’s statement while attempting hip movement, is somehow “getting in touch with my feminine side.” Don’t worry Tom, if this is the barometer, you’re far from breaking on through to the other side, you Wild Thing, you!