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Olbermann Whack Job Jamboree Countdown 2009, 5th Sarah Palin, SNLs Sarapocalypse

Hold tight! There are four more certifiable Whack Jobs to come, as we count down to the number one Whack Job of 2009, in what has been a very broad and competitive field. Who better to get the party started than number five,Sarah
Palin, former Alaska Governor, fancy pageant walker, V.P candidate, and now full time blogger…with maybe one winking eye on election 2012? SNL’s spoof of the epic disaster film "Sarapocalypse" alone is worth the price of admission!

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Sarah Palin had what could have been a fairy tale-like year. Plucked from Alaska to run as John McCain’s V.P. suddenly it was bright lights, celebrity, new clothes, lots of new clothes that the McCain campaign didn’t know she’d later use in her interviews discrediting them. Undefeated, her true talents have shone through, she’s feuding with everyone from McCain to David Letterman. Don’t even mention Levi Johnston or that perky and relentless Katie Couric book worm
person. Palin can hold a grudge,if not an entire Governor’s term in office. Sit back and enjoy the whirlwind year of a woman who through it all, inexplicably has become the leader of (shudder) a small army of like-minded, misinformed people. Finally, belt yourself in for SNL’s spoof preview of what the year 2012 could bring if the Palin/Beck ticket were to win! Not for those prone to nightmares.