Gold: Columnist Charles Krauthammer. What a valiant, nay criminal attempt to salvage the image of Faux News. Krauthammer is not above twisting Obama’s own words. Topping even himself, he proclaims Fox snooze as “The Only Voice of Opposition” in what we must presume to be a liberal-filled desert of media.See once again the small reference President Obama made about Clusterfox, on which
Krauthammer built his house of cards. If liberal media is so prevalent, why then, would he need to build upon this toss-away remark?
Silver: Karl Rove: Standing upon the soapbox which Fox news has provided him, Rove proves once again that fact checking is a waste of valuable grumbling time. His recent rant was on the topic of a network,in this case ABC devoting a special on healthcare reform to President Obama. Why doggone it, Rove can’t remember a time when a network devoted a block of time covering an issue on a president’s
agenda! Travel with us into the Not-So-Way Back machine!
Bronze: Republican Senator Diane Black, of Tenn, and staffer Sherri Goforth. They’re deserving of much more than third place in my opinion. If you have seen the graphic being passed from office to press and public featuring the photos
of the presidents’ faces of the United States, you’ll know what the flap is about. In the far lower right hand corner is our current president’s name. In the space where his photo should be is a black square with but two gigantic white
cartoon eyes. It could have come from Klan Monthly. Ms Goforth whipped this up on her own initiative, during office hours. Watch Worst Person in the World to see how swiftly and sternly Sen. Black corrected Goforth,”In a strongly worded reprimand.” Whip me, beat me Senator Black. I could use an ego boost as well!