Gold: Sean Hannity. It’s apparent, we cannot and must not fund birth control. In Sean Hannity’s mind, medical Viagra will certainly lose funding if we prevent the medical and social costs of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Get your priorities straight, America! If Hannity ever gets the opportunity, he wants to be ready.
Jason Jones did a terrific job of demonstrating that an ounce of prevention can save a pound of physical and mental health, not to mention money. You can easily project those costs on a national level, unless – like Hannity, you can’t see beyond your own enormous – nose.
Silver: Newt Gingrich is awe-inspiring. His speech regarding delegating the "Rebuilding the American manufacturing base," from El Salvador is not to be missed.
Bronze: Eric Cantor, beloved friend of the working folks, has a plan to end unemployment. It’s simple – as most ingenious plans are. He will just end unemployment (benefits). I told you it was brilliant, although he seems unaware of the unofficial pilot program, also known as the 99’ers. Oddly, losing their benefits didn’t produce the snappy job recovery that Cantor promises.