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Online Actions, Creepy in Real Life: BuzzFeedVideo

Things You Do Online That'd Be Creepy In Real Life BuzzFeedVideo
How creepy would your ‘Real Life’ be if you lived it exactly like you do online, in social media?  We’ve become accustomed to a lexicon of online actions which in no way resemble their real life counterparts. If you begin to take those actions to RL, you’ll be considered to be extraordinarily creepy and may need to take inventory of your freaky behavior.
.What’s more natural than Power Liking? You can ‘Like’ so many things in Facebook, and feel positive for the approval you’re spreading. It takes on a new dimension in RL when you begin to  Publicly Like things, people and actions.
It’s odd to contemplate isn’t it?

How about the simple act of “Following?” It’s rather flattering for the one who’s followed; but I don’t have to tell you where it will get you when you meet a stranger you admire  and announce your intention to follow them…They’re rarely flattered.

I shudder to think of the brawls and skirmishes  which would ensue if the usual level of argumentative and rude exchanges with strangers took place on the street. Prepare for a six week observation in a nice hospital, at minimum, if your opinion needs staunch defending. From the length of most internet scream fests, the police would have to start hiring Greyhound busses to haul abusively opinionated citizens in.

Of course this is the tip of the iceberg in this hilarious exploration of human behavior by Buzzfeedvideo, behind the screen of anonymity and in front of it in the weird world of Real Life.