I wonder if perhaps all the Hispanics not filling out the census form over fear of anyone finding out the who and how many people…
This is probably more Jon Stewart’s fault than anyone else’s! It was he who was most responsible for CNN taking CROSSFIRE off the air. My…
Gold: Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln, Democrat? Arkansas voters got two senators for the price of one with Sen.Blanche Lincoln. Two campaign ads, one pre-health care…
Come on, it’s not exactly unbelievable. 😉 The RNC, recently scandalized by expenditures at a Hollywood lesbian bondage club and other extravagant expenditures, made what…
Michele Bachmann, here in full cry and using the most successful tactic of the far right extremists, the irresponsible and very serious altering and repetition…
The Houston Chronicle today published an opinion piece by state representative Carol Alvarado who calls out Texas State School Board to task for it’s silly…
Lawyer John Pineau says tacking Peeps to your apartment door represents Jesus being tacked to a dead tree. Making fun of Easter! Even the woman…
That title isn’t even Colbert sarcasm, it’s from the Michigan prosecutor who made the arrests! Mainstream Militias! Well… Down here in dumbutt, Texas we…
This has a good ending, wait it out! Holyhockerlockers! I went through this very same thing about 10 years ago. I had the habit of…
With the health care win(d) behind him, Barack "Tenacious-O" Obama is all over the map doing this and thap. Doing what a president is suppose…
Gold: Bill O’Reilly would never disparage someone unfairly, just listen to him talking about rival MSNBC and Keith Olbermann in glowing terms. Mom, what’s a…
LLCoolJ Twitted to fans today, "Fox lifted an old interview I gave in 2008 to someone else & are misrepresenting to the public in order…
John McCain gave the people of New Hampshire what they wanted to hear. Lacking "conservative rock star" Sarah Palin, maybe he had to? Sadly, he…
Thought this is hilarious, I covered this story mostly because just this morning we found that the offending staff member who was fired for this…
There is a very serious issue here that is the face of John McCain in the video across the networks without needing the Daily Show…