The interview of the titans, Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly was a farce. O’Reilly was careful to tape, the better to leave large, cogent pieces…
VIDEO, Olbermann Worst, Sen John Cornyn R Tx, Robert J Kiese NJ DUI , Gov Sanford R Sc child slavery
Gold: My, but it sounds as if Sen. John Cornyn R – Tx covers his envy of House Republicans who met with President Obama last…
Washington Times reporter Frank Gaffney and California Congressman Duncan Hunter, both bigots and homophobes representing the Republican Party and Jesus are warning us that allowing…
Like the Three Stooges? The Marx Brothers? Stupid stoner movies? Soupy Sales? Well here ya go! Laugh it up.
Could this be true? Blogs use emotional embellishment to make points and take sides! Please tell me it aint so! Excuse me, Blogs and Fox…
Things that go BOOM appeal to Boys of all ages. Now you can book a tour to Bolivia’s Mt Ricco and have an explosive vacation.…
Yesterday, certain that Sarah Palin’s umbrage came from a genuine motherly feeling of protection for her Downs Syndrome baby, guest Margaret Carlson said that Sarah…
The biggest baddest ‘winner’ tonight is Glenn Beck. A Barack by any other name would smell like a Kenyan radical by birth. Sean Hannity is…
A really funny spin on "Don’t ask don’t tell". McCain said he would change his mind when military leaderS changed theirs. And as Captain Crunch…
The profound silliness of men being discriminated in the country aside… You know, I hunt and fish and am a woodsy outdoorsy salty sort of…
Though the kick in the head here goes to the inherent dishonesty and bigotry of Senator John McCain, Senator Saxby Chambliss and the Republican Party…
These two scumbags… Oops, I mean this good Christian couple were found guilty of watching their 16 year old son suffer and die from an…
Ed Schultz attended just one of several free health clinics springing up with volunteer medical help. Today’s clinic was in Hartford, Connecticut. The need is…
While it doesn’t excuse him, Rahm Emanuel did apologize for using the word "retarded" about liberal debt management, after great umbrage from Sarah Palin. No…
A jolly Rush Limbaugh, "Feminazi" hater, and bitterly no ladie’s man, was inexplicably selected to help judge the Miss America contest. Thus emboldened, the dirty…