Rush Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Gingrich and the back-stabbing crowd in Washington DC, have one thing in common. They claim to be the pro-life party. Their…
O’Reilly, the same big mouth who didn’t utter a word about the billions siphoned to Dick Cheney’s interests in the middle east; Halliburton, Blackwater, and…
Carbonite[Limbaugh voice overs] 177 Huntington AvenueBoston, MA 02115617-587-1100Toll Free: 877-665-4466David Friend,CEO, Carbonite, Inc Lending Tree (704) 541-5351 Life Quotes 1-800-670-5433 Select Comfort 763-551-7460 eharmony300 N.…
On the heels of the day before fair and balanced Fox News interview of Sarah Palin by Bill O’Reilly, we have an even more fair…
You’ve heard of these women, I’ve even known a couple. While others suffer through nine months of projectile vomiting and extreme discomfort topped by torturous…
If you doubt that crap personality is the driving force behind conservative politics, look back to your childhood. I’ll bet a dollar to a doughnut…
The top three of a year of geektacular stories from Rachel Maddow in 2009. For instance: Why parrots love men who can’t love, or maybe…
Bringing you the other half of the hateful, bad boy’s club, Pat Robertson. Still insisting that The Devil Went Down to Haiti, Robertson repeated the…
After Limbaugh and televangelist Pat Robertson announced their crazy ass opinions yesterday, they expected everyone to jump aboard the crazy train. Limbaugh’s change of tack…
Over the next year – before Sarah Palin quits to run for President by popular demand – she will have amassed a resume perhaps thousands…
Oh you say, Pat Robertson is no longer America’s leading Christian! Oh, okay… I guess that title would now have to go to the Reverend…
This is of course God’s Plan, who works in mysterious ways… Here we have a Fox News host interviewing another Fox News host while they…
If we were each given a Constitutional Amendment wish, I would put this at the top of my list: 28th Amendment – All elections in…