We are from the Republican Party, we are are here to help you. That is clearly the silliest damn string of words you will ever…
In this Sunday’s Parade Magazine, the magazine with the top circulation in America, we find that the beloved Mary Tyler Moore is a Right-wing Douche…
I think Pat missed one here. This cartoon represents REPUBLICANISM rather than conservatism. We are from the GOP, We are here to help you! Now…
Republicanism – When a candidate Republicans do not like has a funny name and or skin color, scream and yell about him not being eligible…
Wow! A couple smart well spoken Jersey Jews talk truth to power…
As a Catholic I am saddened that the Pope is on the same level as Elmer Gantry. I once believed Catholics were a step or…
Our very own Liberal Blogosphere pundit Juan Cole talks about dealing with Muslims without trying to kill them all.
These two are connected and both need to be played for maximum effect MFing Snakes on this MFing Plane! Dick Cheney comes out of his…
I am not going out on a limb saying this which. The CEO of AIG and those getting the bonuses at AIG,, and the rest…