After stammering over his support of the SUPERB LEADERSHIP of George W. Bush, David Frum lets it slip out. If the Republican Party sticks to…
Jon Stewart asks what did Sarah Palin spend $150,000 on? Did she buy the original jacket Michael Jackson wore for THRILLER? The Palin family of…
The problem or course is as simple as Zakaria explains, you can’t keep spending more than you make. But he touches only lightly on the…
Republican General Colin Powell is friend to terrorists and not from the real Virginia but the other fake unAmerican THIRD Virginia
The interview with the present mayor of Wasilla Dianne Keller tells it all about Sarah Palin’s experience. Don’t miss it! What small towns are all…
What’s new with the party of Joe the Wingnut? Ain’t been nothing new from them since they decided to forgo clubbing women for sex to…
With millions of Americans losing their jobs, homes, insurance, retirement income and hope, John McCain’s response to the crisis has been to run around screaming…
Going down the list of General Powell’s reasons to endorse Barack Obama, everyone of them – other than his delight in Obama’s "intellectual flare" –…