When the Republican Base goes to a Sarah Palin rally, it’s much like pubescent girls at their first Boy Band concert. They scream, faint, have orgasms…
Jon Stewart interview with Michelle Obama pt 1 Jon Stewart interview with Michelle Obama pt 1
Going into the debate last night, John McCain had the advantage over THAT ONE because he was so much better at the town hall format. He paced around looked old,…
Mr. Oliver does a good job of presenting every category or stupid voters, but only within the undecided vote. I was very pleased to see that he gave those who…
Terrorist William Ayers and Hussein Obama secretly married!
This is newsworthy only because celebrity Houston Astros’ Pitcher Brandon Backe was involved. No matter the who of it though, this is a good read……
To paraphrase red-ink Reagan, here we go again, so let the swift boating begin. The GOP, devastated that the polls gave Biden the win in…
Ten Reasons Republicans Love Sarah Palin 10) Her Yankee Hillbilly accent you betcha! 9) With our serious unregulated free market meltdown she is still pushing the government is…