When George W. Bush campaigned in 2000 he said the Clinton Administration had no energy plan. Gas was a gallon and a barrel of oil…
The John Legend Interview The John Legend and Stephen Colbert Duet
Following are one well-known woman’s opinions concerning ultimate dog fighting, cruelty, culture, and ethnicity. “Michael Vick is from the South, from the Deep South…This is…
When I got home after the Texas caucus the other night, it suddenly came to me that I had missed a wonderful opportunity to be…
HILLARY BEER! Just seeing Rob Riggle makes me laugh.
Props are funny!!
As confused about double dip voting in the Texas primaries as you may be, I decided to go through the process down here in Dumbutt…
Making fun of the media election hype is way overdue, so thank you Rob Riggle! This piece has been in my head for a year…