The Republicans have been living and breathing Repeal and Replace Obamacare for seven years, it is all they have wanted to do and all the…
Sure he shoots lions and elephants while trees and forests die in his presence, but he is an introspective guy. Not quite knowing what to…
He rocks in the tree tops all day long Hoppin’ and a-boppin’ and singing his song All the little birdies on Jaybird Street Love to…
So you think here we have another Australian horror story of crocks, sharks, killer jellyfish, brown snakes, spiders and lickable frogs, but no, this piece…
President Trump and Paul Ryan would do better following the plans Beyonce and Drake do to create sudden blockbuster albums they quietly worked on from…
I got a gun and it aint teenie it makes up for my little weenie. It goes without saying that guns are the answer to…
Trump took a few moments out of his busy schedule yesterday to give a rollicking interview to Time Magazine. Only in America – did we…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look as Republicans and Trump scramble to cram a bitter health care bill down American’s throats,and the ongoing Russia scandal…
Trump says he is going to “come after” Republicans voting against his Health Care bill later today. I am not sure how coming after the…
Sebastian Gorka is a member of a White House team known as the Strategic Initiatives Group led by Trump’s top adviser Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon,…
Kid Rock is selling .50 cals, 12 gauges, catapults and grills. Kid Rock’s best pal Ted Nugent has said he may run for Michigan Senate…
The Earth, it’s huge, it’s terrific, it’s a winner, let’s keep it around. “We’re not spending money on that [climate change] anymore. We consider that…
Jimmy Kimmel weighs in on the news about Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort; the $10 Million dollar (per year) gift,from Russia with love. Oddly, Sean…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at the FBI investigation into Russia’s interference in the presidential election, and into Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation…
The Garland Republican hypocrisy is perhaps as bad as hypocrisy gets. Gorsuch is another Scalia, Thomas and Alito for sure. Original intent of how people…