Lonesome Joe Scarborough is mighty riled about Donald Trump’s flaccid stance on immigration, so he recorded his own Western ditty about Trump called #AmnestyDon…So there! …
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to agree with America’s most popular extreme right-wing political cartoonist, but perhaps without understanding it, Ramirez…
The Donald is now within the margin of error in many polls to become president of the United States because the people you see in…
Sadly, getting bonked in the head did not snap Sarah Palin out of being Sarah Palin, it still takes a rock to the head to…
The planet is trying frantically to get our attention with extreme weather and the repercussions of climate change, meanwhile Donald Trump complains to coal miners…
Seth Meyers – “If you’ve been thinking to yourself, the only way Hillary can win is if Donald Trump is keeping underage girls in his…
Boy oh boy, that ideological certification is a whopper of a good idea on so many levels, especially when applied to Trump supporters regarding religious…
You wanna have some fun, who you gonna call, the company xmas party at the Marriott or Pee Pee? I have been to that party…
A cartoon for the Trumpers, we know how much they hate being called racist when they say racist things, so from now on, for their…
I love that shirt, it sure would liven up the cubical, help one fit in at the concert or a bar, get some attention at…
I have always found it very hard to find even one voice on the left that is comparable to the millions of voices on the…
Seth Meyers examines the subtle nuances in style which define Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s preparations for the first anxiously-awaited presidential debate. The Washington Post…
Seth Meyers obtains a rare interview with the even rarer bird, Doctor Harold Bernstein, the gastroenterologist whose signature appears on a bizarre letter assuring voters…
My guess is that on November 9th the entire comedic community will shift from The Donald to First Lady Bill which should be fun and…
Donald Trump released his medical report in a one page letter from his physician, a note from his doctor should be enough, it is how…