“I do not know who is more annoying, conservatives who don’t care about anyone who isn’t white or liberals who hate themselves because they are…
It’s comical alright, in fact it is not just about Ted Cruz’ crusade against the transgender taking a pee outside their home – with ZERO…
Sam Bee and Bernie Sanders supporters gather in a Greenwich Village coffee house, to hear Dave Hill ask the musical question ‘Who’s it Gonna Be,…
In another inexplicable edition of Lie Witness News, Jimmy Kimmel went out onto Hollywood Boulevard to ask Californians if they had voted that morning in…
No surprise how Fox News feels about replacing slave owner and Injun killer Andrew Jackson with a black woman, yet another case of political correctness…
As you can well imagine the conservosphere is screeching political correctness in choosing a black woman to replace slave owner and Indian killer Andrew Jackson…
Sure Donald Trump has a mercat living in his hair and bribes people, but that is not the number one reason people say they are…
It’s uncanny that Donald Trump was born about 9 months after El Duce was hung by his toe for failing to make his country great…
The passing of music icon Prince is still raw, but I’m reminded how he came to the fore just as Tipper Gore and the Senate…
Somebody PINCH me – if hearing Sarah Palin stump for Trump recently was exciting, prepare to hear those same electrifying words spoken by Franklin Delano…
As far as we know, this may not be a picture of Curt Schilling in drag, “Conservative pro life pro 2nd amendment American who wants…
Old people, those who vote in much higher numbers than any other demography, don’t give a crap about Climate Change because they will be long…
First let’s hear it for New Jersey Assemblyman Tim Eustace who is calling for allowing medical marijuana to be prescribed to alleviate menstrual cramps as an…
Samantha Bee takes us to Tennessee, where busy lawmakers decided on a state rifle, debated pet skunks, passed a bathroom bill – because of transgender…
Samatha Bee immerses herself in a group of Bernie Sanders supporters to understand why they’re so doggone optimistic. These people want to be understood, and…