Now we have Fox News pointing to both Pope Francis and Nelson Mandala as Commies. You know Communism which is defined as government ownership of all property with one party rule. That of course leaves…
Search Results for: Limbaugh
I wonder how well Republicans will do with women in the next election? Will they do as well as they have with recently in winning over African Americans and Hispanics since they lost in 2012?…
A caller broke through the rigid security on the Rush Limbaugh Show, and after a bit of kissing up to the giant ego, smoothly laid an unexpected surprise on the Ditto King. Because Limbaugh seems…
This one is chuck full of fun! Let me tell you. Finally we see Michele Bachmann as the true genius she is. Perhaps what with us all getting that wrong, her husband Marcus Bachmann may…
The devil works in mysterious ways. This presents an issue I came to understand back in 1993 when Rush Limbaugh had succeeded in changing the nature of AM Radio and the impetus of this website.…
This is much like having so many silly doctors in the House of Representatives. I guess what happens is that Right-wing doctors understand that if the run for office against a non doctor they will…
The problem for the President and the Democrats is they cannot delay this, they have to get it up and running fast before the 2014 election season. Speaking of elections… Watching the Virginia results I…
Some 25 years ago Rush Limbaugh and Fox News discovered that there is big money in making Aholes feel good about themselves. With all due respect to Mr Wolverton here, WHERE IS JESUS’ ASSAULT RIFLE?…
[jwplayer file=”″ image=””] Here we have a specific example of how The Right manages to win no matter how unpopular, stupid or horrid their issue or policy may be. We all see RIGHT THERE a…
The story here for me is that I am fairly up to date on political matters and I had not heard about this silly Republican TAKE BACK MY VOTE law. I suppose that would be…
Boy do A LOT of people I know need to listen to this song. Let me tell you. For what good it will do… All those racist canards… They are lazy. My hard earned tax…
That pretty much sums up American politics. But like old girlfriends, I did best with the zany over the evil and crazy. How about you? Charles Krauthammer has replaced George Will as America’s most respected…
Republicans didn’t invent dumb, but they’ve perfected the stupid quote to an art form. Watch a few of the masters and wonder with me; “Is our children learnin’” from these guys? George Bush, Michele Bachmann,…
Let me take the names of the top Tea Party Stars out of the graphics and put them in print. Sean Hannity Rand Paul Rush Limbaugh Ted Cruz Mike Lee Koch Brothers Eric Cantor Roger…
“Next thing is they are coming to take our guns. You can’t even go over to Walmart there and buy ammo anymore, hardly.” Overpass Richard who is hardly credible. I include this for those many…