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Palin Family out of Mooseburgers!

Last week, the day after Hurricane Ike hit Dumbutt, Texas – I put this picture up of the boat in the road at the turn in to my sub division.

From the WE SHOOT sign I assumed it was the Palin Family house boat washed up from afar. [though I did not see any barefoot unmarried pregnant teenage girls or a heavily armed woman with big hair and glasses]

Here is the same boat in the same place a week later.

I can only assume that the Palin’s are now finished shooting errant Negroes and have run out of mooseburgers, elk sausage and ammo and are now in need of help.  A few days ago I found a couple dead squirrels and a possum under one of my down trees and tossed them up on their boat as I drove by after I took this picture this morning. No one seemed to be around. I assume they are at chruch thanking the Lord for putting their boat on the road and having no food. Praise the Lord!