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Palin too busy helping people to golf like slacker President Obama

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The evidence was clear, a photo of President Obama on the links was enough indictment for Saint Sarah to compare her tireless good works, and lack of leisure time to his seeming abundance of play time. I’m reminded of the day George Bush made the ultimate sacrifice. Pledging to give up golf in honor of our fallen soldiers, I believe he may have made good on the promise for a day at most, assuming that like most things, we’d forget about it, sorry I digress.

The snarky remark from Sarah Palin was part of an interview in TIME magazine, and she has been a busy little beehive! As Lawrence O’Donnell points out – or accurately ‘rewrites,’ Palin wasn’t fibbing when she said she was "Too busy helping people and causes" to have hit the links in quite a few years. It was true then, but even she couldn’t have foreseen how wildly successful she would become in her aid to the people and causes she promotes.

Palins – millions, Caribou – zero.