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Palin True Story comes to TV, no Tina Fey, Newt calls Obama is a gangster

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Buy popcorn! The new biopic on Sarah Palin is coming up soon, and you won’t want to miss a moment of the unauthorized "True Hollywood" story! I’m guessing that she plans to sue them afterward. Along those lines, "Bossy Pants" the new Tina Fey tell-all reveals the commie-pinko’s surprising regret about impersonating Mrs. Palin. I presume that Fey’s mom told her that if she kept making that face, it would stay that way.

Last – and always least, is Newt Gingrich keeping entirely to hypocritical form. This is the same horny toad who sat roasting Bill Clinton over the coals while auditioning new wives and girlfriends. He "was young and inexperienced," Clinton was "evil." Similarly, Newtie Pie launched ‘an exploratory committee’ and fund raising campaign – just to see if he could get enough money (millions) to run in 2012, though he has no intention of running, but still there are expenses!

Now that Obama has announced his intentions to run in 2012, according to Newt, he is a Chicago-style gangster. Presumably, he’s running card rooms, loan sharking, and has the Secret Service running protection, and working the extortion racket.