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Panel of Real Clowns discuss Republican clowns in 2012 race

If any profession has been represented unfairly during the 2012 campaign, those who wear red honking noses, scary smiles and carpool in tiny cars are that profession. They have been wrongly compared to Republican clowns time after time, but haven’t had a public forum in which to express their own frustrations until now. An aside: my pediatrician, whom I did not like anyway, decorated his offices with numerous scary clown pictures. Looking back, I think that I was entirely justified in kicking him where I did at the mention of a tonsillectomy. (sorry, flashback)

While it is familiar sounding, clowns are just like us! They worry about oil prices, healthcare and the price and availability of quality seltzer water. It’s just a pity that Michele Bachmann – or ‘Shell E Belle’ dropped out before the clowns could make some sartorial and make up suggestions for her. Another clown makes a balloon animal which represents her feelings for Ron Paul…They really aren’t different from us at all!