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Pasedena Texas Joe Horn Testifies to Grand Jury

joe horn

Texas grand Jury Clears Murderer Joe Horn of shooting 2 unarmed men in the back June 30, 2008

Joe  Horn if you remember is the Pasadena, Texas hero who when told not to by a 911 operator, grabbed a 12 gauge shotgun, went outside and shot two unarmed black men in the back as they ran away from what was a burglary of the home of a neighbor he had never met. Broad daylight, 12 gauge shotgun, 10 feet away, unarmed and running away. Main Joe Horn article

It is unusual for a grand jury to the witness to be indicted, but this is Texas and the jury is looking for a way of letting the poor man walk. For 90 minutes Horn addressed the jury with what you can bet was sniveling, whiny sorriness with I am sure a few tears or regret. But I would guess it was mostly Horn trying to get  the jury to believe he was in fear of his life as the two unarmed men ran away from him. That is necessary to invoke the Texas Castle Law which allows anyone to shoot anyone else on their property if they SAY they are scared. Though it may seem improbably to those reading this that any jury could suck that up, please, this is Texas jury, and they are probably armed in the box there.

Joe Horn’s fan base is not just the Stormfront, the Klan and every anti-immigration group in America, but local Pasadena Bikers, millions of Texas gunloons and tens of millions of comments across the internet. Though enamored with Mr. Horn they they also have the commonality that are hurt that they themselves did not get the fun and enjoyment of shooting a couple unarmed Black men who were also illegal immigrants in the back.  With a 12 gauge shotgun.  From 10 feet. Did I say unarmed and in the back? Well no matter, I am sure Horn’s fan base will be disappointed in hearing about his sniveling sorryass wish it hadn’t happened testimony. Horn tells grand jury about fatal shootings, his attorney says