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Supreme Court 2nd Amendment says YES to lots more Guns in DC

united states gun mapAs expected it was a 5 to 4 ruling from the Right to get more guns to more people everywhere AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! As everyone knows, the problem here in America is we just don’t have enough guns to go around.

On the surface it would seem the conservative leaning Supreme Court would side with Washington DC (as a state) to do as they please, which is what being a conservative is most about; states rights today, states rights tomorrow and states rights forever! (that has a familiar ring I just can’t seem to place). But much like the Supreme Court conservatives who in 2000 gave us 8 years of a creepy stupid a whole for president, this too is a very political decision, an example of the conservative court going activist.

armed antonin scalia

This is far reaching, it means cities and states no longer have the constitutional right to control handguns and also states that gun ownership is now an individual right. This means all present gun controls will be contested by the NRA, the Militias, the racist and anti-immigration groups and of course the Bloods and the Cripps.  

Taking this decision to the international level, this court would have to decide that it is only fair to allow North Korea and Iran to join the nuclear weapon club. Doen’t everyone have the right to defend themselves in an equal manner?  It’s also great to know that places such as Canada, England, Europe, Austrailia and Japan are now no longer considered free nations. 

So stock up, the small arms race has begun!

Good deals can be had in this economic downturn. Prices are down across the board. The best weapon for the toddler through 12 year old group is the rather short barreled semi automatic .22 long (cartidge) rifle that is available at Walmart for under $100. May soon be available also at gas stations and McDonalds.

Moving up the price scale the easily hidden and handy machine pistols like the Mach 10 and UZI are good for taking along on walks or rides on the bus or in the car. Also good for bars.

The 9 mm automatic pistols are pricey but most popular. Always a good weapon to flash around to show friends and enemies alike you are doing well.

But of course the weapon of choice is the AK47 also known as the Kalashnikov. If you are a male who wants both respect and firepower this is the weapon of choice for every terrorist and crime lord in the world. These weapons usually come with a free turban or a pair of wraparound mirrored sunglasses. Visit Our NRA Gun Page