Other than a burning cross or the police shooting an unarmed brother, there is nothing African Americans hate more that white people in blackface, which has been the case for at least 100 years. But Pastor Mark Burns puts this image up and then doubles and triples down on it. So far no one has stepped up to the plate to say what a good idea that was. I guess what Burns is after is to get the national polls of African Americans for Trump down to the Pennsylvania numbers of -1.
“I have done more for African Americans than Beyonce!” Rudy Giuliani gone bad. But it is not just Rudy, it is a constant barrage by Republicans expressing their hate of Beyonce who 101% of African Americas love and their unbridled hatred of Black Lives Matter which 43% of Americans support and 70% of African Americans support.
@realDonaldTrump – Inner-city crime is reaching record levels. African-Americans will vote for Trump because they know I will stop the slaughter going on!