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Pat Robertson lawyer Jay Sekulow makes lying crystal clear, Daily Show

Pat Robertson lawyer Jay Sekulow makes lying crystal clear, Daily Show

Pat Robertson lawyer Jay Sekulow makes lying crystal clear, Daily ShowJay Sekulow get’s caught crystal clearly in his own double speak by Fox News Chris Wallace no less. And it is not just the contradictory lie he gets caught in, but everytime he says “President Trump is not under investigation” is a lie in itself, because he has no idea if he is or not.

My complaint here is not what a silly lying boob Jay Sekulow is, but that the main stream media purposely fails to explain about who this creep is and where he comes from because they do not want to lose share of the wholesale bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, religious intolerance and ignorance that drives evangelical Christianity in rural America. Which after they overwhelmingly voted for a foul, pussy grabbing, adulterous bigot is no longer conjecture but a crystal clear fact.

So briefly,

Jay Sekulow is an evangelical fundamentalist Christian who has been the top lawyer for Pat Robertson, the 700 club, CBN, the ACLJ (which does the opposite of the ACLU) for a generation fighting to deny freedom and liberty for women, gays, lesbians, the transgender, evolution, science all under the false theme of religious freedom and liberty no less. The bigger the lie the more ignorant boobs believe it.

Jay Sekulow  is now a lawyer for Donald Trump where he fits right in with his CRYSTAL CLEAR in you face lies, which is what the Trump Administration is most famous for. .