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Pedestrian Question: What is Gluten? Jimmy Kimmel

Pedestrian Question: What is Gluten? Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel takes note of the wave of gluten-free residents in LA, a number that is growing daily by leaps and bounds. Untold numbers insist on being freed from the tyranny of gluten, and insist that you should too! No bagels, pizza or flour tortillas for me, please. Oh, and move that breadbasket, I’m nauseated. Savvy stores are in on the act, stocking an increasing array of gluten-free products for the rash of people who are suddenly sensitive. Never have people with miserable wheat allergies had so much company.

Jimmy takes to the streets in the trendy city to ask gluten-free folks a simple question; “What is gluten?”   The answers are – as always revealing.

For those playing along at home, gluten is the protein in grains. It helps to make bread elastic and is a good source of protein, unless – unlike the people questioned tonight,  you actually have a wheat sensitivity or Celiac disease. In that case, you’ll have noticed symptoms long before someone in your yoga class turned you onto the gluten free life.