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Phyllis Schlafly against equal Pay for Women, Stephen Colbert

“Simple arithmatic suggests that half of women would be unable to find what they regard as a suitable mate. If a higher-earning man is not available, many women are more likely not to marry at all.” Phyllis Schafly on the horror of equal pay for women at the Christian Post

phyllis schlafly against equal pay for womenWhy is it that whenever we come across something really idiotic from an idiot it most always comes from a “Christian” source of one kind or another?

For those younguns out there, Phyllis Schlafly is the Sarah Palin of the generation before her. She has been the top book burner and editor of public education now for over 50 years. Her organization is called The Eagle Forum whose main concern is dumbing down public schools.

What I enjoyed most about Phyllis Schlafly was not so much her trying to remove evolution, biology, world history and foreign languages from public schools, but her most recent foray to have GEOGRAPHY removed from public education.

Geography you say! Seems innocuous enough until you realize where it is our children find out about other economic systems, other races, cultures and religions. Or to round it down to one horrific word. MULTICULTURALISM.

“I’ll be ever’where- wherever you look. Wherever they’s a fight so hungry people can be hungrier, I’ll be there. Wherever they’s there’s a fight, I will help by hand out more guns, I’ll be there. I’ll be in the way guys yell about how much they hate somethin’ or someone’ differn’t than theirselves – I’ll be in the way kids cry when they’re hungry to make sure they get no free lunches. I will be there to help them judge who is worthy and who is not…” The American Christian with apologies to Woody Guthrie.