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Piece of human shit Milo Yiannopoulos says Ariana Grande got what’s coming

Piece of human shit Milo Yiannopoulos says Ariana Grande got what's coming

Piece of human shit Milo Yiannopoulos says Ariana Grande got what's coming

“Sadly, Ariana Grande is too stupid to wise up and warn her European fans about the real threats to their freedom and their lives. She will remain ferociously pro-immigrant, pro-Islam and anti-America. Makes you wonder whether they bombed to attack her or in solidarity.” Milo Yiannopoulos on blowing 22 kids and their mothers all to hell.

Remember back when Ariana Grande made it to the top of the Right-wing media bubble for jabbing it to the paparazzi in a doughnut shop for licking a donut and saying she hated America?

Licking donuts
Advocating man boy sex, calling out LBGT Individuals for harassment, bragging about getting $10k per sexual act and so on, and so forth.

You know I have been working on a clickbait post for years, The Top Ten most Deplorable Americans.

Problem is of late it changes too fast to keep up with.

Of course Ted Nugent is still #1. Two were recently off the list by the grim reaper, Antonin Scalia and Roger Ailes. Joe Arpaio and Bill O’Reilly are now off because they lost the jobs that gave them power. Even Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter rise and fall within the list as do Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas. Donald Trump has taken second place as he has not yet peed and shit all over himself and claimed to be a homo to avoid service, while third place is now a race between Sheriff David Clark and Milo Yiannopoulos  who have both recently rocketed to stardom.