I have long contended that what causes working class Democrats to vote Republican – against their own self interest – is primarily their hatred of Political Correctness. Even more a factor than race and religion. I wrote extensively about this issue over the years here, Politically Incorrect.
Watching this spoof on PC I came to realize that it is all about being nice, kind, and concerned with others, and how they feel. REDSKINS. Which is not only laughable to the Republican mindset, but successfully paints Liberals, Progressives and Democrats as NAZIS telling people what to do and how to think. Even though it is never about the law, but rather suggestion and reprimand, it has worked far better than the GOP ever imagined as it comes up everyday, everywhere all the time.
Being nice and kind and concerned with each other is not in the constitution, it is an alien concept in what we call American Exceptionalism. Rather niceness is what wussies, pussies and girly men are about. All Americans have the inalienable right to be as bigoted, racist, uncaring, mean, nasty and selfish as we wish to be, and anyone telling us otherwise is a NAZI. You see the silliness in that? Probably not hey? And there is the underlying problem. The exceptional acceptance of it.
But as history shows us, every issue of political correctness today will down the road be a non issue accepted by all.