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President Obama Would Ask Candidates One Big Question

President Obama Would Ask Candidates One Big Question

In this interview with NPR, President Obama was asked what one thing he would ask those who want to be his successor. The President replied; “Why do you want to do this?”  I’m sure it’s entirely coincidental that I’ve wondered that very thing while watching Donald Trump and others on the campaign trail. The President warned off anyone who is interested in the job for the trappings, title, power, fame or celebrity, because, in his experience, those things wear off quickly. The President spoke of what sustains him through times of frustration which inevitably comes along with times of happiness and pride.

The President did not point to any one candidate when he warned that this country does not work best on hate, fear or cynicism; but that it does flourish  on community,hope, optimism,dynamism and change. We can hope the two-ton elephants in the room heard, and will heed his words, but alas, they arewords to the wise.