This video does bring up some salient points about a Trump presidency actually being good for us. It will keep us from the utter horror of a Hillary Clinton presidency which will take all our guns away, hand over our country to Muslims, Hispanics and Black Lives Matter, and destroy our world standing by putting a smartypants lying witch in charge which will destroy us all.
- Our identity will no longer by submerged in politically correct sweetwater, but rather what you see is what you get.
- Black Lives Matter will be protesting from jail.
- Jobs as maids, gardeners, roofers, slaughter house workers and field pickers will open up to all the white people now standing in line for them.
- It will be more fun than a barrel of monkeys with guns.
- White people will feel better about themselves.
- The coming Trump impeachment will be fun to watch.
- Evangelical fundamentalist President Pence will bring us a system of Biblical Law.
- A couple billionaires on the Supreme Court will solve the disparity of wealth issue.
- Watching Ben Carson in whatever capacity will be hilarious.
- Riots will cause terrorists to fall back realizing they are no longer needed.
- The end of the Republican Party.
- Hispanic and Muslim immigration replaced by white Russian immigration.
- Media and comedians so full of Trump they could very well implode.
- More easing of the eyes as women will be chosen for appointments on a 8 to 10 beauty rating.
- Orange will be the new White.
- I will be taking it all in from my chair on that Caribbean beach in the Corona ad.