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Porn Sex vs Real Sex: The Differences Tastefully Illustrated With Food NSFW?

Porn Sex vs Real Sex: The Differences Tastefully Illustrated With Food  NSFW?
If you’ve ever watched prom, and if you’ve ever had sex, you know that the two are very different. Those who don’t know how different prom is from reality may be suffering extreme feelings of inadequacy, and a vague notion that just everyone is doing things that simply aren’t within the realm of their capability, or in contained in their partner’s trick bag.

This video explores the differences between what’s ‘real and what is Memorex’ tastefully, by utilizing food in lieu of actual body parts.  Oh – and it is  narrated by a woman with a British accent which always raises the tone considerably.

Lastly, this is a feel-good film.  You can’t help but be cheered to learn that things which are depicted as common place in prom, in reality rarely if ever happen in real life. They would have you believing that everyone from the school board to the parson is trussed up like a blind-folded Thanksgiving turkey and flailing whips and chains – so I hear.  The point is, it’s not true.   In fact, you may be quite the sexual super-star after all…At minimum, appreciate the fact that you’re more ‘normal’ than you might have thought, we presume.   Warning, large sharp knives are used as disconcerting visual aids.