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Protester Bryan Sanders explains being sucker punched by Trump supporter in Tucson

Protester Bryan Sanders explains being sucker punched by Trump supporter in TucsonSo many sheep so little time – Bryan Sanders here explains his protest against Donald Trump who he believes to be a fascist and a liar, Donald Trump a strongarm politician who whips up his minions to violence and gave succor to the Black guy who did the succor punching saying the guy punched was wearing a KKK uniform. So there you go, Bryan Sanders proved that Donald Trump is a fascist and a liar. So the guy had it coming, though Trump later corrected himself saying that Bryan Sanders was with someone who was wearing a KKK uniform. The second video here shows Bryan Sanders’ girlfriend about far behind him with a white bag over her head.

So no matter how you look at it, the Trump fan did not do the punching having anything to do with the KKK, but out of a violent hatred of those he disagrees with, i.e., fascism.  Secondly, though the white bag on her head was indeed a response to make the opposite point that the KKK and every racist and racist organization are in love with The Donald, it was not a KKK uniform / regalia as Donald and his mob say it was.

It is not that Donald Trump fans are being fooled into rallying round a fascist, it is that they are fascists themselves.

On the bright side there is the math. Considering Trump fans are about one third of the 16% of Republican primary voters, they are only 5% of eligible voters.  Applying that only 60% of eligible voters vote, that would put them up to a whopping 8%!

But none of that was the impetus in doing this article.  Rather… I dare you to click the YOUTUBE button on the bottom of either video – which takes you to the YOUTUBE site – and read the comments. I double dog dare you.

And it’s the same wherever you go reading comments regarding The Donald. About ten to one in support with some of the nastiest crap you have ever seen, well other than from the gun enthusiast crowd – which seem to be the same people.  Substitute the word “protester” with “juden” and it will take you back 70 years to Germany. These fascists only survive by whipping up the mob to such unbridled hate and anger against their perceived enemies that the violence is not only expected, BUT PLANNED. It also makes little difference of the actual WHO of it, whether they be Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, Chinamen, liberals, blacks, gays or even Europeans for crying out loud. It is what fascism is. In fact it got me to go skim over my big old HATE MAIL  page [enjoy] that I hadn’t looked at in a decade or so.  Somethings just never change.