This is the GOP big problem. Whack jobs like Rand Paul – the darling of Republican primary whack jobs who are so motivated to vote in the primaries that they will even put down their guns for a few minutes. Though the way things are going, I would guess that new laws will allow guns in polling places. Gee, I sure hope this all flows into the GOP primary debates as well.
But for the general election? I bet Hillary and company are praying for this guy to be the nominee. For he is the Barry Goldwater of our time. But it will not be until becoming the GOP nominee that we will finally come to the the core of Rand Paul.
Evangelical Christian creationist.
Rabid Pro Life, anti gay marriage who makes the NRA look like Mike Bloomberg.
And like his father before him he wants to see the destruction of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Workman’s comp, unemployment insurance, food stamps, public education, the IRS, the EPA, HHS, the UN, foreign entanglements and of course letting the MARKET deal with any bigotry, racism, prejudice and intolerance. Like how it worked in the 1860s.
Though he is little different than Ted Cruz, he does know enough to not bring up all that Right-wing swill at the moment. I can’t wait to see him in the GOP Primary debates. Please God, please give us Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul in those debates. Three guys who can make Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum seem sane.