Preach Ronnie Preach!
I watched a Mr Osteen yesterday for awhile. His "church", which rakes in 10’s of millions used to be the NBA venue here in Houston. It is also where I saw ACDC a few times. I was struck by not only how different his hour was than ACDC – or a Houston Rockets clutch city overtime period- but how I had so little in common with those TWO SETS of 20,000 people sitting there [nosebleed seats are $33 at Ticketron] listening to all that mindless swill. Well I suppose that isn’t fair. But actually listening to what he was saying I was reminded of my problem with Dr. Phil. This is stuff most of us already were aware of by the time we were 9.
And to top it off, Okra came by the other day to tell me she had the proof God is real and the Bible is the literal truth. It has been found that Nebuchadnezzar was real! And all this time I thought that Nebuchadnezzar was that sound those old modems made…
Hemingway, I am so far removed from such people, so completely out of touch with anything they have to say or believe that I have concluded this GOD THING is genetic. A biological predisposition that some have while some poor souls are lacking. As those with the God Gene make up about 85% of the population that leaves 15% who have not evolved properly and we need compensation.