My guess is the real life Reince Priebus just gets drunk every night these days, with the Donald Trump problem just the tip of the iceberg of the sinking ship.
Since Trump said he will change the constitution to deny birthright citizenship, more Republican candidates are humming along, Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie, Lindsay Graham and Scott Walker, I suspect the worst of the bunch and the smartest constitutional scholar in the world Ted to Cruz jump on that iceberg in a few hours.
And rounding up 11 million Latino’s? All of whom have some undocumented parents, children, spouses, brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews or friends really REACHES OUT to that community. Trump will get the Latino Vote!
And that is not even considering Scott Walker saying no abortion even if the mother will die, or the rest of them, including the young and cool Marco Rubio saying women who are victims of rape or incest or will never be able to bear children again will be forced to bring an unwanted pregnancy to term. And more war in the Middle?
What’s next? Trump came out strongly against raising the minimum wage today, will the clowns follow even though 80% of Americans and even a majority of Republicans are for raising it?
And they think they will win because of Benghazi or some Hillary email crap? But hey, they also believe snakes talk.