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Reinstate the Draft

The crime of the century was not some black guy killing his white wife as the media tells us. But rather it was the murder of 168 people by a conservative, NRA, white Army veteran Timothy McVeigh.

I know how to solve all our foreign policy problems. First we reinstate the draft. Then we get a bunch of tattle tales to give the draft boards the names of all the militaristic armchair warriors; those who blather on about rather being dead than red; the members of all the nitwit militias; all the gunloons, and every flag waving my country right or wrong, onward Christian Soldiers, bloodthirsty conservative. Then just forcibly conscript them and send them to various “political hotspots” throughout the world for the rest of their natural lives.

Think of the positives of such a system! Millions of jobs would open up. Our national IQ would soar. No paramilitary organizations running amok in the hinterlands. As the entire audience would be out of country; no more AM Hate radio! It would also give the military better demographics, and heck, we could even conscript the disabled. The conservative blind could go on permanent night ‘listening posts’, conservatives who couldn’t walk could crew tanks and the deaf could join the artillery. Even conservative old ladies could be implemented as indiscriminate grenade launchers and conservative housewives as sexual espionage agents.

What an idea! And the more rabid their conservative jingoism, the closer to the action they would go. They’d work free of course (patriots, y’know) and we could repay the national debt in just a couple years. Perhaps chickenhawks Dick Cheney, Billy Kristol and Rush Limbaugh could personally lead the exodus. This would make everyone happy; the warmongers, the Army, the country and most importantly, me. But I suppose you see the problem in all this: the day after such a plan was initiated, all the big talkers would be hiding under their beds peeing in their pants.

In a more serious vein, like Charles Rangel I do believe the draft should be reinstated. After all, I was drafted and look at the fine results.

As we can see these days with two failing wars going and a few more sure failures in the queue, without the political pain involved in everyone having the chance of losing a loved one, any idiot in the White House can take us to war just for the Hell of it.