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Remembering Elizabeth Edwards, a class act

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Some of the most spectacular humans on the planet do not receive accolades, daily headlines, minute to minute Tweets, or heaven forbid – their own reality shows. They quietly inspire and teach us much about grace and courage through their own lives – and lest you think they’re saintly sober and dull, it’s agreed that the brilliant Elizabeth was "A hoot."

Keith Olbermann talks with Karen Finney, friend of Elizabeth Edwards, who knew her well. She paints a picture of a vibrant and wise woman. The only shame is
that she didn’t know how much she had touched others, or how widely she was loved and will be missed.

I hate using the word ‘class’ – but as we see sniping by public figures on Facebook over ‘the small stuff’ – Elizabeth Edwards reminds us of what a truly class act is.