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Republican Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio arrests 6 year old Hispanic girl

Arizona sheriff Arpiao arrests 6 year old girl

Soon after President Obama issued the executive order to no longer peruse and arrest Hispanics under 30 years old who were brought here by their parents, Republican Sheriff Joe Arpaio showed Blacky McBlack who was boss in Arizona! He tracked down and arrested a 6 year old Hispanic girl. 15 of the suspects he arrested he put in his pink desert jail, the 5 year old he tore from parents and turned over to ICE. REPUBLICANS. Joe Arpaio’s Office Arrests 6-Year-Old Suspected Undocumented Immigrant

Things could be worse as I can find only three American public figures so repulsive, so beyond redemption and so universally disgusting in both politics and personality that they should be listed separately outside the book of humanity. Ted Nugent, Michael Savage and Joe Arpaio. REPUBLICANS BEYOND REDEMPTION.

And yes, of course I have given thought to adding Ann Coulter and Newt Gringrich to make it a basketball team, but they just don’t quite make the grade in over the top overt racism as yet. If Obama wins in November, I am sure their subsequent rhetoric will make the grade.