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Rick Perry lists his Letterman Top 10 debate fail excuses

Hey – these are ten good reasons! While there is no excuse for not marking his palm with his three big points for debate night with a sharpie, it was sweet of Ron Paul to help him along. think about this one in the Oval Office with the red phone and we need to get creative fast!
"Blow up… um… um… England! No, blow up… "

While reading the Letterman writer’s jokes Perry seems to be in his element. I think there is a career for him with the Redneck Comedy Tour – please? It would save a lot of innocent lives – think about that – Jeff Foxworthy! As the debate aired, another probable innocent man was executed in Texas. No one is going to vote Perry in as president. Redneck Comedy boys you owe it to your fellow man and your country to recruit this rodeo clown.  Perry the cable guy…