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Rival Seattle High schools youtube viral video battle, Sen Roland Burns senate Christmas rap

Rachel Maddow’s Show helps Sen.Roland Burris with his health bill related version of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" performed on the senate floor, presumably to
lighten the mood. The new version has a beat, and gives one the impression that helium is involved. It’s definitely not a sleeper!

The captive senators haven’t made blazing progress, maybe they need to follow the example of Shorecrest and Shorewood High Schools, both videos presented here. The
volleying of songs isn’t about to stop, and there is no filibuster!

The School of Rock shows what can be done when it’s your own idea, rather than another bland assignment. We presume the teachers and administrators are in the
basement, these videos must have taken some time! It doesn’t show signs of stopping, we can expect each successive dub to be better than the last. The kids are all right.