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Rolling Thunder Vets did NOT endorse or invite Sarah Palin to speak

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No invitation – no problem for sneaky Sarah Palin! She has not only announced the event as the first stop on her hastily thrown-together bus trip, but proclaimed that the group both endorsed her and asked her to speak! Hearing that a crowd of men on Harley’ s, wearing black leather were gathering, Palin apparently decided that was THE place to start her impromptu bus tour! Oddly, her statements don’t jibe with those of the organizers of the 24-yr-old rally.

Perhaps the best description of the feelings of Rolling Thunder are
summed up in a statement by organizers, who said they’ve never heard Palin take much of a position on veterans’ issues or the issues of those missing in action. Ted Shpak didn’t mince words:"We didn’t invite her. We don’t endorse anybody.
She’s not invited to SPEAK, but we can’t stop her from coming to ride. We’re here for a reason, and she takes away from the reason we’re here, a distraction!
This isn’t a political event. She’s Saying that we endorsed her, and she is not – speaking on our stage!