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Russell Brand: Tortured Gitmo Prisoner Tells All

Russell Brand: Tortured Guantanamo Bay Prisoner  Tells All

A Guantanamo Bay prisoner lifts the lid on CIA torture with Russell Brand, as Fox News Hatriot Andrea Tanteros leads the faithful in a sneering cheer. “The US is AWESOME,  WE are AWESOME!”   “This administration wants to have this discussion (on torture)  to show us how we’re NOT awesome.”  Gosh, we’ll just all shut up then, Awesome Andrea. Let’s just accept what Dick Cheney and his merry band of inquisitors tell us and stop all of this silliness, right now.

It appears that many Americans have accepted what they’ve been told, without question.  A Pew report shows that a majority of Americans approve of torture. Perhaps they believe, as they’ve been told, that every man who’s been tortured is ‘a murderer.’ We’ve been told that at minimum they were dangerous members of terrorist organizations and enemies of the United States.  Former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Moazzam Begg is one of those men.  I think you’ll agree that he is not a dangerous hooligan of any stripe. In fact he was just like you – or like me…Until the CIA pounded on his door. He was then kidnapped and imprisoned without cause for three years, where he was tortured, and his family was threatened.

Fascinating facts emerge in this interview. Begg was told by the CIA that non-cooperation would buy him a ticket to Syria or Egypt – just like Ibn Al-Sheikh Al-Libi.  The name may not ring a bell now, but Al-Libi who died while being tortured, gave Bush and Cheney the answer they wanted…Not the truth, but the answer they desired.

In a vain attempt to save his life, Al-Libi  made a false confession. He ‘confessed’ that he was working with Saddam Hussein to obtain the notorious Weapons of Mass Destruction, thus enabling the U.S. to enter Iraq.

Mission Accomplished.