One of the most successful propaganda pieces of the Republican Party – though nowhere even close to the success of Political Correctness which moved many millions of working class people to the GOP – is this very thing. Even at FUNNY OR DIE this video got 50% thumbs down.
Any mention the poor – yet alone addressing the greed and avarice of the wealthy – is CLASS WARFARE. An EVIL thing akin to socialism, communism, Marxism and what Jesus actually said. It is worse than the WAR ON CHRISTMAS! And if you fall to it, there will be a price to pay.
When a society has more sympathy for the Koch brothers than it does teachers, fireman, minimum wage workers or children without health care, something is very very wrong that that society.
But I guess it cannot be helped, for if one can believe that snakes talk, men live in fish and Jesus is in the NRA, one can believe any crazy thing that comes by. Take note of how many shows are now on cable that arguing for the reality of UFOs, Alien Abductions, Ancient Astronauts, Bigfoot, Yetis, Ghosts and living Dinosaurs. People who vote watch that crap? And after only a few hours of it, Michele Bachmann begins to look smart.
Could it be? That THE TRUTH is only what most people chose it to be? After all, the only real difference between a religion and a cult is the number of people accepting it.