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Samantha Bee, Goodbye Roe v Wade

Samantha Bee is hysterical over this!  Her advice?  Get more hysterical!

So much from the evangelical pro life gang is so poorly thought out.  Sure, Roe v Wade may not soon be overturned nationally, but it will easily be overturned in at least 22 states. The woman getting an abortion is in a conspiracy [more than one person breaking the law] in the murder of a child under 12 which is a capital crime in most of these same states. Just like mob bosses and murder for hire. And as Trump says, the women getting abortions must be punished. What?  Murder trials? Deportation? Hanging from the Handmaid’s wall with all the gays, lesbians and transgenders?

And then how to enforce movement for abortions from state to state?  Internal state walls?

And all those millions of women who had a safe legal abortion who now want to deny that to all other women. Hey you, if you had not had that abortion, you would have been a single mother, not met your present husband and all those children you cherish now would not exist.  YOU NITWITS!

How did this pro life thing begin anyway? The only thing in the Bible, new or old is in Genisis where life begins with the breath of life from God. That life begins with first breath and ends with last breath. It came from Reagan and Falwell teaming up to add to the GOP Southern Strategy a plan to grab the evangelicals to the GOP.

Goodbye, Roe v. Wade | July 18, 2018 Act 2 | Full Frontal on TBS