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Sarah Palin Says She Would Run For President 2016

Sarah Palin Says She Would Run For President 2016

Sarah Palin slings hash and raises our hopes about a presidential run in 2016, somebody pinch me!  Palin talked about her possible political aspirations at the annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show in Las Vegas. Palin was in town to promote her reality show, and spoke to local media during a photo op in which she served up Wild Boar Stew to lucky homeless folks, although she refused to taste it herself.  Palin ladled more opinions and vitriol than stew. The latter was focused upon “Hollywood haters and hypocrites.” This category includes anyone who has voiced a negative opinion of ‘American Sniper’ and/or Chris Kyle and the big freakin’ whoppers attributed to him.

Asked about the possibility of entering politics again, Palin was initially somewhat coy about the ‘service’ she would render if necessary.
“Yeah, I mean, of course, when you have a servant’s heart, when you know that there is opportunity to do all you can to put yourself forward in the name of offering service, anybody would be interested,” Palin said.

As to a presidential run, she feels strongly that it is time for a woman in the oval office. Although she didn’t come right out and say she would be the candidate, she is obviously not in Hillary or Elizabeth Warren’s court, and there is no other female Republican who has declared her intentions.
““We definitely had enough of seeing that — America has had enough of seeing that — sign on the Oval Office door saying, ‘No Girls Allowed.’ I know that.”

Palin did say that she’d be “happy to drive that competition.”

Ladling Wild Boar and opinions, Palin left us with another catchy slogan
“That competition in the GOP … will surface that candidate who can take on Hillary, be ready for Hillary and show the nation what it is going to take to get the country back on the right track. Because we can’t afford status quo, because status quo lately has been Latin for, ‘We are getting screwed,’ and status quo has got to go.”

I have been laboring under the delusion that the ‘status quo’ is improving…But this is about Sarah, whose evasive tactics are transparent.  Asked by ABC what she thought of Romney and Jeb Bush entering the race, Palin cryptically replied that she seemed to lean toward herself, stating that it would take “new energy” to take on Hillary Clinton. Palin may not be the definition of ‘new energy’ but she doesn’t have many miles on the political oddometer. After all, she only served a half term as governor of Alaska, and her Vice Presidential run doesn’t count as actual service. She did get a terrific makeover from the campaign, and a wardrobe, which she may or may not have kept as a lovely parting gift.  She can also thank the disastrous McCain run for the pricy speaker’s fees she now commands, her reality show and stardom in TeaParty circles.

Sarah Palin is not ‘new’ but the fact is, no one has taken as many laps as Romney. It remains to be seen if the Republican party can be fooled again. I sincerely hope so. You see, I had feared that the legendary GOP clown car would drive half empty this time around, but things are looking up.  I envision Japanese train ‘pushers’ (the guys who use long-handled tools to push people onto crowded commuter trains, like cattle) ushering the candidates into the clown car. When it simply will not hold another body, they will force the doors closed. It’s going to be a terrific race – for Democrats!