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Sarah Palin shunned from Republican Convention in Tampa

Sarah Palin there will be blood

The Republican party is not giving Sister Sarah her spot in the Sun down in Tampa next week. I am not sure why, perhaps it’s these kind of gun crazy pictures what may amplify all the gunfun carnage going on of late. Or maybe it’s not that at all.  Looking around at the Romney campaign and convention speakers there are enough Right-wingers but the really stupid ones seem to have been left behind in the primaries.  I dunno Mitt, the stupid vote is about the only thing you got going for you.  Maybe a spot for The Donald, Bachmann and that 999 idiot. Forgot his name already!

But what jumped out at me was a line in Sarah Palin’s response to being ignored.

“Everything I said at the 2008 convention about then-candidate Obama still stands today, and in fact the predictions made about the very unqualified and inexperienced Community Organizer’s plans to “fundamentally transform” our country are unfortunately coming true.”

If you were unaware, Community Organizer means NWORDS! And what’s worse is they are NWORDS who help other NWORDS  find food, shelter, daycare,  jobs and most disconcerting to Republicans, help them to vote.  And they do so for very little money.  For Republicans, helping other people is not a REAL JOB so even without the racial underpinnings these are bad people.

States with Republican governors and legislatures, not surprisingly mostly in the old Confederacy, are trying to put a stop to all that with various voter suppression laws directed at the NWORDS.  There are many more words that have the NWORD embedded in them, entitlement is the newest.